Provincial Grand Master - Bro. John. I. Mackay   -   Provincial Grand Secretary - Bro. Dikon Sandbach



The Provincial Grand Master, Bro. John I. Mackay, extends a warm welcome to you upon entering the web-site of the Province of Inverness-shire.  Hopefully this web-site will provide sufficiently detailed information to give you a flavour of what goes on in the Province and how to contact the Province if you would like to visit or have any queries that we can assist with.


There are fifteen Lodges in the Province of Inverness shire, covering a large area of the Highlands of Scotland.  A list of daughter Lodges and meeting dates are listed here.



There are 32 Provincial Lodges in Scotland and 25 District Grand Lodges overseas.



What is Freemasonry?

An international and widely recognised fraternity, Freemasonry provides its members with the opportunity to embark on an amazing lifelong journey of learning and self discovery and of deepening personal moral strength and compassion. Most Masons find the experience both challenging and rewarding and above all, enormously enjoyable.



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